Tag: extemp central Page 55 of 77

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3rd-9th, 2013

1. Is the Erdogan government becoming a dictatorship?
2. Would the legalization of marijuana in the United States significantly reduce drug violence in Mexico?
3. Is the ANC hurting its international profile by aligning itself with Zimbabwe’s ZANU-PF?
4. How can Indonesia squelch political corruption?
5. What steps should developing countries take to combat smoking?
6. Will Iran’s upcoming presidential election significantly alter the country’s foreign policy with the Western world?
7. Is it in Russia’s geopolitical interest to work against the United States?
8. What steps should the international community take to reduce global poverty?
9. How should the Ivory Coast deal with the legacy of its recent civil war?
10. Will sectarian violence eventually lead to the fall of Iraq’s fledgling democracy?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3rd-9th, 2013

1. How would American intervention in Syria impact its relationship with Israel?
2. Should Eric Holder resign?
3. How should the United States respond to Chinese hacking of defense systems?
4. Is Rand Paul a viable 2016 presidential candidate?
5. Can the Republican Party afford to vote against comprehensive immigration reform before the 2014 midterms?
6. Are states too complacent in regards to fracking regulations?
7. Will online learning improve college education in the United States?
8. What role should drones play in American military operations?
9. Should the Republican Party be excited about Michele Bachmann’s decision to not seek re-election?
10. What can marriage equality advocates learn from their recent setback in Illinois?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27th-June 2nd, 2013

1. Will recent bridge collapses produce momentum for a national public works program?
2. Why has political momentum evaporated for cap and trade?
3. Is Benghazi an issue in search of a scandal?
4. How can the GOP recapture the Senate in 2014?
5. Does America need a smaller military?
6. Will private, not public, funding produce the next moon landing?
7. Is a Netflix-style model the future of cable television?
8. Should public officials be allowed to classify Americans as “enemy combatants”?
9. Is it time to end the war on terrorism?
10. Will the Boy Scouts recent decision to admit gay members lead to a sharp decline in membership?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27th-June 2nd, 2013

1. Will the Syrian civil war widen to include Israel and Lebanon?
2. Should Great Britain tighted its immigration policy?
3. How should the Indian government respond to the latest political attack by Maoist insurgents?
4. Should Saudi Arabia begin a nuclear weapons program?
5. Does the Maduro government need recognition from the United States?
6. Can Myanmar’s old soldiers fade away?
7. Are Middle Eastern governments encouraging a “Christian flight” from the region?
8. Will a recent land reform agreement between the Colombian government and FARC rebels significantly reduce violence?
9. Can greater Japanese-Indian cooperation thwart Chinese ambitions in East Asia?
10. Should China rescue Greece?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 20th-26th, 2013

1. What explains North Korea’s provocative actions this year?
2. If India provides military aid to Afghanistan, how does that change the geopolitical situation in South and Central Asia?
3. Is it in Israel’s best interest that Bashar al-Assad stays in power?
4. How can Francois Hollande boost the lagging French economy?
5. Why is Italy’s economy contracting?
6. Can Shinzo Abe do what his predecessors have failed to do in resuscitating the Japanese economy?
7. Should economic reform or domestic security be the top priority of Pakistan’s new government?
8. How can the drug war in Latin America be fought in a “smarter” way?
9. Should Angela Merkel be concerned with the rise of the Alternative fur Deutschland party?
10. Why are developing countries struggling to provide jobs for younger workers?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 20th-26th, 2013

1. How should the Obama administration handle the IRS scandal?
2. Is it in America’s best interest to back the Syrian opposition?
3. Will online education make attendance at a physical college campus obsolete for most Americans?
4. With America’s mission nearly complete, should Afghanistan be viewed as a success or a foreign policy blunder?
5. Will Medicaid expansion cripple state budgets within the next ten years?
6. Is President Obama’s governing style too “hands off”?
7. What impact, if any, will the recent Washington D.C. scandals have on the Massachusetts Senate race?
8. Should the federal government invest in a massive public works campaign to lower national unemployment?
9. Does law enforcement’s use of drones violate Fourth Amendment protections?
10. Google Glass: Useful invention or public nightmare?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 13th-19th, 2013

1. Would a war against Israel save the Assad regime?
2. Will the Turkish government reach a peace deal with the PKK before the end of 2013?
3. Was Great Britain justified in eliminating foreign aid to South Africa?
4. In regards to the Middle East peace process, can China succeed where the United States has failed?
5. Is Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner becoming an autocrat?
6. What steps does Pope Francis need to take to enhance Catholicism’s reputation in Europe?
7. Is natural gas the global energy source of the future?
8. What can the international community do to encourage more corporate responsibility in areas of the developing world?
9. Will Pervez Musharraf eventually go on trial in Pakistan?
10. Why is anti-Semitism rising in Hungary?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 13th-19th, 2013

1. Will the U.S. launch a manned mission to Mars by 2030?
2. Is Benghazi the next Watergate?
3. Will Mark Sanford’s victory assist the Democrats in enhancing their appeal to female voters in 2014?
4. Can Jeb Bush escape his brother’s shadow and win the presidency in 2016?
5. What explains the lack of white voter turnout in 2012?
6. How should the Department of Defense handle new allegations of sexual assault in the military?
7. What changes should be made to the Senate immigration reform bill?
8. How can John Kerry “reset” America’s relationship with Russia?
9. Dow at 15,000: So what?
10. Will the U.S. Senate approve the UN arms trade treaty?

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Extemp Questions for the Week of March 11, 2013

Here are your questions for the week of March 11, 2013:

United States
Will Rand Paul’s filibuster of CIA Director Brennan have a meaningful impact on the United States’ drone policy?
Is Paul Ryan’s most recent budget a boon to the GOP, or to Democrats?
Do “fracking” critics have any hope of spurring a nationwide ban on the practice?
Will Obama’s “charm offensive” with Congress pave the way for a comprehensive budget deal?
Will the legacies of his grandfather and uncle be a boon or a hindrance to George P. Bush’s political ambitions?
Will the court decision to strike down New York’s “large soda ban” deal a blow to broader “state paternalism” policies in the US?
Is the call to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act still an advantageous position for Republicans to stake out?
Will the United States’ economic growth survive the effects of the sequester?
Would the Supreme Court be justified in striking down Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act?
Is Colorado turning into a reliably “blue” state?

Will Hugo Chavez’s death undermine the stability of the Cuban regime?
Do recent reforms indicate the erosion of Hungarian democracy?
Will President Sirleaf’s cabinet reshuffle be enough to put her government on the right track?
Can opposition forces topple the Syrian government without spurring chemical weapon attacks?
Will the proposed DMZ between Sudan and South Sudan be effective in preventing renewed military clashes?
Can Iran maintain its influence in Latin America in the absence of Hugo Chavez?
Will North Korea’s recent threats result in renewed military clashes with South Korea?
Will the recent Falkland Islands referendum vote have any impact on the dispute over islands?
Does the Italian bond market’s resilience in the face of political gridlock indicate that the worst of the Euro crisis lies in the past?
Does the recent crackdown on protests in Myanmar indicate that the government is slipping in its commitment to human rights?

Questions for the week of February 18, 2013

Here are your extemp questions for the week of February 18, 2013:


United States

Will Earth’s recent asteroid encounters provide the political will to boost funding for NASA?

Would a delay to the sequester leave any hope for a bipartisan budget compromise before the end of the year?

Will the fight between Karl Rove and the Tea Party be a boon or a bane to the Republican party’s electoral hopes in 2014?

Is McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission likely to bolster or undermine federal laws limiting election contributions?

Is the Obama Administration’s uncooperative relationship with the press undermining its claim to “unprecedented transparency?”

Is the Keystone XL pipeline on track for approval?

Will the merger of US Airways and American Airlines benefit customers?

Does Obama’s universal pre-school proposal have any hope of passing Congress?

Is immigration reform enough to repair the GOP’s relationship with Latino Americans?

Will the Obama Administration’s use of drones become an accepted part of executive power in the long term?



Will Afghanistan’s ban on airstrikes in residential areas hinder the ability of NATO forces to effectively combat the Taliban?

Do recent Chinese hacking scandals constitute the early rounds of a global cyber war?

Does Italy’s election threaten the country’s path to economic and fiscal stability?

Is there any hope for international action to cut down on the abuse of tax-haven countries?

Does the recent horse meat scandal indicate a need for improved food monitoring policies in Europe?

Will Putin’s embrace of nationalism further alienate Russia from the West?

Will North Korean provocation spark a new round of open conflict with South Korea?

Will Julia Gillard’s choice of a long campaign cycle work to her advantage?

Is Sri Lanka in danger of becoming an international pariah state?

Will Rousseff’s crusade against corruption in Brazil last beyond the end of her time in office?

Questions for the Week of January 28, 2013

Here are your extemp questions for the week of January 21, 2013:

United States

Have recent events caused permanent damage to the NRA’s influence over America’s gun control debate?

What should Republicans do to have a chance at retaking the Senate in 2014?

Will the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline be approved in 2013?

Who will benefit most from the coming fight over sequestration spending cuts: Republicans or Democrats?

Will the recent bipartisan Senate immigration proposal bring about a major immigration overhaul for the US?

What impact would a reversal of the Boy Scouts’ policy excluding gays have on the campaign for gay marriage in the US?

How will Obama’s 2nd term foreign policy be different under Kerry and Hagel?

Will Texas tax breaks for violating the ACA necessitate federal intervention to force the issue?

Will the tax changes of the fiscal cliff undermine support for a comprehensive overall of the US tax system?

After Roe v Wade’s 40th anniversary, has the US reached a stalemate on abortion policy?


Will Japanese efforts to combat deflation spark a currency war?

How would the legalization of gay marriage in France affect similar efforts in other European countries?

What can David Cameron do to ensure that Britons vote to remain in the EU in 2017?

Will France’s intervention in Mali deal a fatal blow to Boko Haram?

Will Netanyahu’s disappointing election performance result in a meeker ruling coalition for Israel?

Should Angela Merkel place her hopes for re-election on the success of the Free Democratic Party?

Will Chavez’s prolonged absence permanently undermine his authority in Venezuela?

Will Thein Sein’s reforms go far enough to allow Aang San Suu Kyi to win the presidency?

What can China do to prevent rising labor costs from disrupt China’s economic growth?

Is the Egyptian government in danger of experiencing a 2nd “Arab Spring?”

Extemp Questions for the Week of 1/14/2013

United States

Has California finally gotten its perennial budget problems under control?

Will the Biden proposal bring about a meaningful change in US gun control policy?

Is the US likely to secure immunity for its troops in Afghanistan by 2014?

Should the US pursue legal action against Wal-Mart over allegations of bribery in Mexico?

Should Michelle Bachmann be removed from the House Intelligence Committee?

Will the death of Aaron Schwartz lead to restrictions on prosecutorial authority as it pertains to intellectual property law?

What impact will the Seventh Circuit’s decision in Moore v. Madigan have on gun control policy?

Should the Federal Reserve take a monetary policy which more aggressively targets unemployment figures?

Do influenza-related public health emergencies in New York and Boston reflect a need for stronger vaccine subsidies?

Will Obama’s latest high-profile argument with Netanyahu affect Chuck Hagel’s viability as a Defense Secretary candidate?


Will recent murders in France unravel hopes for peace talks between Turkey and the PKK?

How would a complete US withdrawal from Afghanistan alter the domestic political balance of Pakistan?

Will Russia’s ban on American adoptions have any lasting consequences for US-Russo relations?

What does Julian Assange stand to gain from his run for Australian public office?

Will French intervention in Mali speed up the deployment of an African force to the country?

What should the UK government do to quell growing protests in Belfast?

How can the international community disrupt Iran’s attempts to circumvent economic sanctions?

Does the Abe government have the right plan to put Japan on the path to economic prosperity?

Are Tunisian economic woes to blame for the nation’s continued trouble in building a stable government?

Do recent environmental complaints in China present more of an opportunity, or a threat, to the stability of China’s central government?

Extemp Questions for the Week of January 7, 2013

Here are your questions for the week of January 7, 2013.

United States

Has the US done enough to secure itself against cybersecurity threats?

Will “Americans for Responsible Solutions” prove an effective counterweight to the NRA?

Can Boehner rally House Republicans to present a united front in the debt ceiling negotiations?

Will Obama come to regret his decision to tap Chuck Hagel for Defense Secretary?

Will the record-breaking heat of 2012 mark the turning point in US efforts to combat climate change?

Can AIG win its potential lawsuit against the US over the terms of its bailout?

Should Obama use the threat of a trillion dollar coin in the clash over the debt ceiling?

After publicly attacking Speaker Boehner, does Chris Christie still have a shot at winning the Republican presidential nomination in 2016?

Will state-level foot dragging delay the implementation of the Affordable Care Act?

What should the US do to cut down on offshore tax evasion?



Can China loosen its control over the Internet without losing its control over the country?

If the Brotherhood’s power in Egypt collapsed, who would be best-positioned to take power: secularists or Salafists?

Will the private American delegation visiting North Korea do more harm than good?

What does Chavez’s ill health portend for the future of Venezuela?

What steps must India take to combat its epidemic of violence against women?

Are international sanctions against Sudan needed to address the humanitarian crisis in South Kordofan?

Should NATO commit to joining the AU’s mission in northern Mali?

Does Japan’s plan to revise its defense policy raise the odds of military conflict in East Asia?

Will new reports of environmental damage put a stop to Canada’s bituminous sands oil boom?

Will the reforms spurred by the Euro crisis drive britain out of the EU?

Extemp Questions for the Week of November 26, 2012

Here are your extemp questions for the week of November 26, 2012:

United States

Will the search for Schapiro’s replacement for the SEC be compromised by infighting this political season?

Will Chris Christie’s current popularity translate into a realistic shot at the 2016 Republican presidential nomination?

Will the Benghazi fallout block Susan Rice from confirmation as the new US Secretary of State?

Will the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision to block the Illinois law prohibiting recording of police officers signal the beginning of the end for such laws nationally?

Do rising house prices indicate that the US housing slump is finally over?

Does Romney’s visit to the White House present an opportunity for the advancement of a bipartisan agenda for the “fiscal cliff”?

Will new state-level supermajorities interfere with Obama’s 2nd term agenda?

Should Senate Republicans agree to Harry Reid’s fillibuster reform proposal?

Can Republicans reach a deal on the fiscal cliff without facing fallout from the Norquist Pledge?

Will state-level resistance to Obamacare be an energizing factor for the Tea Party, or a death knell?



Is Mohammed Morsi a liability to Egypt’s future stability?

How will Israel’s “Iron Dome” missile interceptors affect the prospects for peace with Palestine?

Can Tzipi Livni unseat Netanyahu in the upcoming Israeli elections?

Will Russian financial support allow Assad to maintain power in Syria?

Has Iraq seen the last of widespread sectarian violence?

Will China’s growing naval strength increase the chances of conflict over regional maritime territorial disputes?

What should Mario Monti’s replacement do to prevent the Italian government from backsliding from the progress of his administration?

How will the election of a separatist majority to Catalonia’s regional government affect Spain’s efforts to revitalize its economy?

Will the SLPP’s decision to protest Sierra Leone’s election results hamper Koroma’s 2nd term plans?

Does Singapore’s bus driver strike signal a revival of organized labor in Singapore?

Extemp Questions for the Week of November 12, 2012

Here are your extemp questions for the week of November 12, 2012:

United States

Is Apple’s upper-management shakeup the right move for the company?

After Sandy, does the US have the political will to enact major reforms to address climate change?

Will Colorado and Washington’s marijuana legalization plans be derailed by federal intervention?

Does 2012 mark a “turning point” victory for advocates of gay marriage in the US?

Will the combative rhetoric of the 2012 campaign stymie bipartisanship in the new Congress?

What can Cathy McMorris Rodgers do to improve the GOP’s electoral prospects with American women?

Will recent secession petitions have any effect on the relationship between the federal and state governments?

Would the revelation of a Benghazi cover-up cripple the incoming Obama administration?

Would Democrats be better off replacing Nancy Pelosi as House Minority Leader?

Will the post-2012 election focus on Latino voters finally result in comprehensive immigration reform?



Is the rise of Greek ultra-nationalism a serious threat to Greek democracy?

Should Chile bring back compulsory voting?

Will recent violent confrontations in Myanmar lead to a roll-back of democratic reforms?

Will the IDF’s use of Twitter during “Pillar of Defense” boost the legitimacy of Israel’s military campaign?

Will Savita Halappanavar’s death bring changes to Ireland’s abortion policies?

Will UN intervention pacify the growing chaos in Northern Mali?

Does India possess the political will to substantially reform the welfare system?

What should the new Chinese leadership do to stabilize the country’s economic prospects?

Has the threat of Indian Ocean piracy been effectively neutralized?

Will a unified Syrian opposition finally be able to garner international support for its bid to dump Bashar al-Assad?

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