Tag: extemp central Page 57 of 77

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 15th-21st, 2012

1.  Why are plans for a closer union among members of the Gulf Cooperation Council stalled?
2.  Is the world on the verge of capturing Joseph Kony?
3.  How can Russian political protesters strike a significant blow at Vladimir Putin’s government?
4.  Should Pakistan reopen NATO’s supply routes into Afghanistan?
5.  How can Francois Hollande maintain close ties to Germany?
6.  Can the G8 effectively tackle the growing African food crisis?
7.  What impact is India’s bolstering of its nuclear arsenal having on Southeast Asian relations?
8.  Why is the Syrian revolt failing?
9.  Will the Emmerson report significantly reshape the way victims of terrorism are treated?
10.  Can the EU afford a Greek exit from the euro?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 8th-14th, 2012

1. What steps can be taken to stop sex-selective abortions?
2. How can Josefine Mota catch Enrique Nieto?
3. Why is Evo Morales falling out of favor?
4. Will the proposed Zimbabwe constitution remedy the political and economic problems it faces?
5. Is the UN looking like the League of Nations of old when it comes to Syria?
6. Will Serbia stick to its pro-EU course after recent elections?
7. Is Al-Jazeera striking a significant blow against Chinese censorship efforts?
8. What impact will Israel’s new unity government have on its foreign policy?
9. Will Greece need another election to form a government?
10. Why did Sarkozy lose?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 8th-14th, 2012

1. Can Amazon conquer the high-end clothing market?
2. Will the military tribunals in Gitmo prove effective at dealing with terror suspects?
3. How can states provide more funding to their university systems?
4. Would it be unwise for Indiana Republicans to ditch Richard Lugar?
5. Does America need to invest more in social spending or defense spending over the next five years?
6. Is Joe Biden’s endorsement of gay marriage counterproductive to President Obama’s re-election campaign?
7. Will the John Edwards trial come into play in the 2012 presidential election?
8. How will Chen Guangcheng impact U.S.-Chinese relations in the long-term?
9. Are the new unemployment numbers masking serious structural problems in the U.S. economy?
10. Can Gary Johnson finally put the Libertarian Party on the Electoral College map?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 1st-7th, 2012

1. Will capital punishment be abolished within the United States within the next decade?
2. How long will it takes America’s housing market to recover?
3. What is the best way to keep the Postal Service as a viable entity?
4. How would a socialist victory in the French presidential election impact America’s ties to the French government?
5. Is Delta making a shrewd business decision in buying its own oil refinery?
6. Will the U.S. hand over Chen Guangcheng?
7. Should Ron Paul drop out of the GOP presidential race?
8. What reforms, if any, should Florida make to its Stand Your Ground Law?
9. Would Kelly Ayotte make a good VP pick?
10. Did President Obama err in his attack on Mitt Romney on the anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 1st-7th, 2012

1. What steps must be taken to avoid a famine in Yemen?
2. How should foreign peacekeepers in Haiti be held accountable?
3. Has EU membership been good for Romania and Bulgaria?
4. What is responsible for lengthy delays at Heathrow?
5. Can anything be done to stop North Korea’s pattern of prevocative action?
6. What reforms does Israel need to make to its prison system?
7. Why have Egypt’s Islamists chosen to back Abdel Moneim Abol Fotouh?
8. Can the EU free Yulia Tymoshenko?
9. How should China handle the escape of Chen Guangcheng?
10. Will Gaddafi ties doom Sarkozy’s attempt at winning the second round of the French presidential election?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 24th-April 30th, 2012

1. Will Argentina’s nationalization of YPF enhance the standard of living for ordinary Argentines?
2. Should Thaksin Shinawatra return to Thailand?
3. Why has the Afghan drug war been a massive failure?
4. What are the weaknesses of the Chinese economy?
5. Is Geert Wilders overplaying his political hand in the Netherlands?
6. Will Tymoshenko’s hunger strike lead to more international condemnation of Ukraine?
7. Is free speech dying in Egypt?
8. Why has Syria not become Libya: the sequel?
9. How can the international community stop Israeli settlement expansion?
10. Why did the National Front poll so well in the first round of the French presidential election?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 24th-30th, 2012

1. Will the Supreme Court find Arizona’s immigration law unconstitutional?
2. Has media coverage of the Zimmerman trial been irresponsible?
3. What steps should be taken to slow Social Security’s road towards insolvency?
4. Has Netflix overexpanded its operations?
5. What reforms are most needed in the VA?
6. Would Jeb Bush be a good VP pick for Romney?
7. Will President Obama’s talk about student loans rejuvenate the youth vote for him this November?
8. Why is immigration from Mexico falling?
9. Will Orrin Hatch survive his primary fight in Utah?
10. Does the French presidential election foreshadow elections in the U.S. this fall?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 17th-23rd, 2012

1. How can American schools raise standards without significantly leaving current high school students behind?
2. Should the U.S. reevaluate its role in NATO?
3. How many benefits should state governments provide to illegal immigrants?
4. Are the Blue Dog Democrats going extinct?
5. Should state governments to more to inform low income communities about the danger of buying too many lottery tickets?
6. Can George Zimmerman receive a fair trial?
7. Will the “war on women” be a significant side show in the 2012 presidential campaign?
8. Would a clampdown on oil speculation significantly reduce prices at the pump?
9. Will the secret service sex scandal negatively impact President Obama?
10. If you were Marco Rubio, would you join Mitt Romney’s ticket?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 17th-23rd, 2012

1. Is it time for the globe to embrace Myanmar?
2. Would it be economically unwise for Scotland to become independent?
3. Is it time for a non-American backed candidate to run the World Bank?
4. Why are Spain’s bond yields rising?
5. Is the intervention of the Egyptian military into Egypt’s constitutional process a positive development?
6. What should Spain do if Argentina nationalizes YPF?
7. Could a sizeable international coalition be assembled to squelch Iran’s nuclear program militarily?
8. Would a Hollande victory in the French presidential election be bad for the French economy?
9. What security reforms does Norway need to make after the Breivik shooting?
10. Will North Korea pursue a nuclear test after its latest failed rocket test?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 10th-16th, 2012

1. Will criticisms by Alvaro Uribe weaken the Santos government?
2. How should the Indian government deal with the Naxalites?
3. Is Spain becoming the new Greece?
4. Has the Italian labor movement lost its political voice?
5. Is the Malaysian government doing enough to ensure that internal security laws cannot be abused for political purposes?
6. Will the French presidential election go to a second round?
7. Would Zimbabwe become a more stable country without Robert Mugabe at the helm?
8. How will the ousting of Bo Xilai impact succession plans in the Chinese Communist Party?
9. Would a significant flow of arms to the Syrian rebels make Syria’s political situation worse?
10. Is the international community ignoring Mali at their peril?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 10th-16th, 2012

1. Is the NFL’s punishment regarding the New Orleans Saints justified?
2. Will the recent night-raid deal with Afghanistan benefit American forces?
3. Why did Facebook buy Instagram?
4. Will Dick Lugar overcome a tough primary challenge in Indiana?
5. Should the Trayvon Martin case have gone to a grand jury?
6. What is the legacy of Mike Wallace?
7. Does President Obama’s foreign policy need to focus more on Africa?
8. How should the U.S. respond if North Korea launches the Unha-3 rocket?
9. Are the latest unemployment numbers bad for President Obama?
10. Would Rick Santorum make a good vice-presidential candidate?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 3rd-9th, 2012

1. Why is North Dakota in better economic shape than other parts of the country?
2. How can Goldman Sachs satisfy unhappy shareholders?
3. What explains the recovery of the U.S. auto market?
4. Should U.S. immigration laws be amended for gay couples?
5. Are fears about homegrown terrorists in the United States overblown?
6. Can Burger King’s new menu help it overtake McDonald’s in the fast food market?
7. How can Mitt Romney defeat President Obama if conservative turnout is depressed?
8. Is Florida’s stand your ground law to blame for the Trayvon Martin controversy?
9. Will the Supreme Court render the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional by a margin greater than 5-4?
10. Are President Obama’s recent comments about the Supreme Court out of line?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 3rd-9th, 2012

1. Why is the euro zone’s unemployment rate reaching a record high?
2. Has the Sudanese Civil War restarted?
3. Should European nations expel all of its radical Islamic preachers?
4. Will the use of sanctions be an effective weapon against Mali’s junta?
5. Were Egypt’s Coptic Christians wise to withdraw from the panel drafting the nation’s new constitution?
6. How should the international community respond if North Korea launches its latest rocket?
7. Will Aung San Suu Kyi and her allies victory in by-elections lead to the West lifting sanctions on Burma?
8. Are Argentinian claims to the Falkland Islands legitimate?
9. Can the Colombian government win a satisfactory peace from the FARC?
10. Will the peace agreement recently reached in Syria successfully put an end to the country’s political violence?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 27th-April 3rd, 2012

1. How will the expansion of the Panama Canal impact the Panamanian economy?
2. Will the latest allegations against Dominique Strauss-Kahn destroy his political future?
3. How can Brazilian forces best secure slums?
4. What steps does France need to take to crack down on its illegal gun trade?
5. Are self-immolations an effective way to bring attention to the struggle of the Tibetan people?
6. What role will Iraq play at this week’s Arab League Summit?
7. Can ECOWAS bring down Mali’s junta?
8. Is Russia outmanuevering the United States in Eastern Europe?
9. Can Pope Benedict XVI do for Cuba what Pope John Paul II did for Eastern Europe?
10. Has Assad won?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 27th-April 2nd, 2012

1. Will the Supreme Court refuse to render a definitive ruling on the Affordable Care Act?
2. Why is Rick Santorum continuing his presidential campaign?
3. Were President Obama’s comments regarding the Trayvon Martin case irresponsible?
4. Should the U.S. be playing a stronger role in the Egypt’s political reconstruction?
5. Can an emergency manager fix Detroit’s fiscal woes?
6. Are public concerns about pink slime overblown?
7. Can Bernanke afford to send U.S. interest rates to 0%?
8. If the Affordable Care Act is declared unconstitutional, would a single payer system be its replacement?
9. Is Hillary Clinton really done with presidential politics?
10. If Mitt Romney is the GOP nominee, could be carry Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia?

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