Tag: extemp central Page 58 of 77

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 20th-26th, 2012

1. Is President Obama adopting the right approach toward North Korea?
2. Do law school rankings matter?
3. Is the New York Times digital payment scheme working?
4. Can more junk mail save the U.S. Postal Service?
5. How would a Chinese economic recession impact the U.S. economy?
6. Will the Supreme Court rule that juveniles cannot be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for murder?
7. Should NCAA athletes be paid?
8. Will the new Republican budget hinder their candidates in 2012?
9. Do America’s public schools need more resources?
10. Should the U.S. Department of Energy be abolished?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 19th-25th, 2012

1. Is it wise for the Spanish government to ignore the EU’s economic advice?
2. What should the international community do about the food crisis in Chad?
3. Is a new war brewing between Ethiopia and Eritrea?
4. Does the abduction of two Italians indicate that the conflict between India and its Maoists is reaching a dangerous new level?
5. Is Syria becoming the Bosnia of the 21st century?
6. What is the legacy of George Tupou V?
7. Why is India inclined to vote to protect Sri Lanka over war crimes allegations at the United Nations?
8. How long will it take for the Greek economy to start achieving a positive growth rate?
9. Which crimes should take precedence when Abdullah Senussi is put on trial?
10. Will the recent shooting outside of a Jewish school cause France to rethink nationalist politics?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 13th-19th, 2012

1. Why has Mario Monti been able to bring Italy back from the brink of financial disaster?
2. Is it time for the West to leave Afghanistan?
3. Have international mining firms been fair to the African countries they operate in?
4. How can Vladimir Putin regain the trust of the Russian people?
5. Does the Slovakian election debunk the idea that Europe’s right-wing parties have benefitted from the continent’s economic woes?
6. How will the departure of Steve Hilton impact Britain’s governing coalition?
7. Why is Sarkozy gaining momentum in the French presidential election?
8. How can international actors ensure that the latest Israel-Gaza truce lasts?
9. As the first quarter of 2012 is winding down, how stable is the global economy?
10. Will the Kony 2012 campaign succeed in bringing Joseph Kony to justice?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 13th-19th, 2012

1. Should armed forces radio carry Rush Limbaugh?
2. Is this a bad time for Americans to invest inteh stock market?
3. How much would the Keystone pipeline help American consumers?
4. If Angus King wins the Maine Senate race, does that help Democrats ability to keep control of the Senate?
5. Will Obama be as formidable a fundraiser as he was in 2008?
6. Could the U.S. banking system weather a second housing crisis?
7. Is the Justice Department’s opposition to a voter ID law in Texas justified?
8. Will the recent shooting spree done by a U.S. soldier speed up America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan?
9. Should the NCAA basketball tournament expand?
10. Could Rick Santorum beat Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination if Newt Gingrich were to drop out of the race?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 6th-12th, 2012

1. Should cold medicine be given at pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription?
2. How can environmental regulation in America be streamlined?
3. Can anything be done to stop the clout of Super PACs?
4. Will the RESPECT Project eventually become reality?
5. Does the taking of DNA from those who are arrested for felonies violate Fourth Amendment rights?
6. What impact will the Rush Limbaugh controversy have on GOP outreach towards women in the 2012 presidential election?
7. Does the federal government need to do more about online hackers?
8. Will high gas prices become a major political liability for President Obama?
9. Did President Obama give Israel a dangerous “blank check” concerning Iran?
10. Where does the GOP primary go after Super Tuesday?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 6th-12th, 2012

1. Is Hollande’s recommendation of higher taxes a wise move considering France’s economic situation?
2. Why is North Korea suspending its nuclear program?
3. Would South Africa become the new Zimbabwe if Julius Malema’s ideas ever became national policy?
4. Can solar power solve Africa’s energy deficit?
5. How can Macky Sall defeat Abdoulaye Wade?
6. Why are Ecuadoreans untroubled by Rafael Correa’s assault on media freedom?
7. If you were Bashar al Assad, how would you respond to the imposition of a no fly zone over your country by Western powers?
8. Is Al Qaeda in Iraq still a force to be reckoned with in Iraq?
9. Did Netanyahu get what he wanted out of his recent summit with President Obama?
10. How will Putin deal with protesters now that he has captured the Russian presidency for the third time?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 28th-March 5th, 2012

1.  What steps does Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi need to take to fix Yemen?
2.  Can the Chinese government continue its crackdown on the Internet without suffering major reprecussions?
3.  What does Serbia bring to the EU?
4.  Why was Julia Gillard able to fend off Kevin Rudd’s challenge for leadership of the Australian Labor Party?
5.  Is the Gulf of Guinea the next major international piracy point?
6.  How can the international community stop freign fighters from appearing in conflict zones?
7.  Is the FARC less powerful than it was a decade ago?
8.  Can the UN Security Council solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
9.  Will Irish voters reject the eurozone’s fiscal pact?
10.  Are EU concerns about Google justified?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 28th-March 5th, 2012

1. Will Michigan signal the end of the GOP primary?
2. Does the recent school shooting in Ohio provide more credence to the need for more anti-bullying tactics?
3. Can Bob Kerrey save the Democratic Senate majority?
4. Should parents be allowed to access their kids text messages without a court order?
5. Are America’s education dollars well spent?
6. Will Colorado voters legalize the recreational use of marijuana this November?
7. What impact will the increase in gas prices have on the U.S. economy?
8. Should America speed up its withdrawal from Afghanistan?
9. Can American afford new investment in space?
10. Should the U.S. intervene in Syria without a UN resolution?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 21st-27th, 2012

1.  If California goes bankrupt, how should the federal government react?
2.  If the economy improves, do the Republicans have an issue they can defeat President Obama with in 2012?
3.  If Mitt Romney is the eventual GOP nominee, who should he choose as his vice-president?
4.  Should the Federal Reserve settle on zero for the new interest rate?
5.  Could the U.S. economy benefit by restoring Clinton-era tax levels?
6.  Can Newt Gingrich rise a second time?
7.  Will Gary Johnson’s decision to run as a Libertarian Party candidate for president hurt the GOP?
8.  How can Ron Paul effectively sell his foreign policy ideas to the GOP base?
9.  How can Congress balance the federal budget within the next five years?
10.  Will Israel dictate America’s next foreign policy moves toward Iran?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 21st-27th, 2012

1.  Will the Bank of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas succeed?
2.  Will the world economy grow stronger in 2012?
3.  Will recent moves taken by the Spanish government to curtail its unemployment rate succeed?
4.  Does the ACTA treaty on online piracy threaten intellectual property rights?
5.  How can African states use their resource wealth more effectively?
6.  How would the fall of the Syrian government impact Hezbollah's operations in Lebanon?
7.  Should Niger return Al-Saadi Gadhafi to Libya?
8.  Why is the international community doing little about Ethiopia's authoritarian government?
9.  Is the recently powersharing agreement between Fatah and Hamas counterproductive to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
10.  If left to its own devices, will Afghanistan gravitate towards Pakistan or India in foreign policy?
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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 14th-20th, 2012

1.  Can Henrique Capriles beat Hugo Chavez?
2.  How can Russia solve its demographic deficit?
3.  Is it only a matter of time before Tibet explodes into violence?
4.  Will Abu Qatada soon be a free man?
5.  Is the UN General Assembly’s upcoming vote on a resolution concerning Syria merely symbolic?
6.  Are Iran and Israel already at war?
7.  Should publication of new H5N1 research be restricted?
8.  Will Egypt follow through with its threat to change the Camp David Accords if the U.S. cuts off its foreign aid?
9.  Does Canada’s cyber monitoring bill significantly threaten privacy rights?
10.  Is it time for the EU to give up on Greece?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 14th-20th, 2012

1.  Are the recent abuses cases in Miramonte just the tip of the iceberg?
2.  How will waivers granted to No Child Left Behind change the American educational system?
3.  Is Washington’s legalization of gay marriage a significant victory for gay rights advocates?
4.  How important was Mitt Romney’s victory in the Maine caucus?
5.  Can Rick Santorum defeat Mitt Romney in Michigan?
6.  Is climate change still a significant national issue?
7.  Should Proposition 209 be found unconstitutional?
8.  Will President Obama’s new budget create strong economic growth?
9.  Should the Catholic Church accept President Obama’s tweak on contraceptive coverage in the Affordable Care Act?
10.  Will Super Tuesday knock Newt Gingrich out of the GOP presidential contest?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 7th-13th, 2012

1.  Is the GOP primary damaging the Republican brand name for future election cycles?
2.  Are Catholics still a major player in American politics?
3.  Will the Ninth Circuit’s ruling on Prop. 8 stand?
4.  Was Clint Eastwood’s Super Bowl halftime commercial overtly political?
5.  Should President Obama focus more on structural reforms in education before focusing on training math and science teachers?
6.  Will there be any more significant shakeups in the Obama administration in the leadup to the presidential election?
7.  Is there anything the U.S. can do to persuade China and Russia to vote against Syria in the UN Security Council?
8.  Will Indiana’s “right to work” law encourage other Midwestern states to follow suit?
9.  Is more economic fairness possible within the American economic structure?
10.  Does the new unemployment rate signal that President Obama will win re-election by a wide margin?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 7th-13th, 2012

1.  Is the Reserve Bank of India responsible for the slowdown of the Indian economy?
2.  If Sctoland holds a referendum on independence, will it pass?
3.  How would a Socialist victory in this year’s French presidential election impact the EU’s plans to deal with the euro zone crisis?
4.  What accounts for The National Coalition Party’s recent victory in the Finnish presidential election?
5.  Should there be more global control of the Internet?
6.  Does the decision to let Aung San Suu Kyi show that the Burmese government is genuine about democratic reform?
7.  Should the international community be concerned about Egypt’s artifacts if Islamists seize political power?
8.  Will the collapse of Romania’s government make other European nations hesitant about adopting austerity programs?
9.  Should vetoes be abolished in the UN Security Council?
10.  Will Israel attack Iran by June?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 31st-February 6th, 2012

1.  Will David Cameron’s decision to adopt a conciliatory approach on EU fiscal matters hurt his standing among British conservatives?
2.  Would Syria’s fall be a major blow to Hezbollah?
3.  Will Netanyahu see out his term as Israeli prime minister?
4.  Is state capitalism the Marxism of the 21st century?
5.  Will France’s Constitutional Court find that a bill criminalizing the denial of the Armenian genocide is unconstitutional?
6.  How can the AU become a more efficient international organization?
7.  Should Abdoulaye Wade have been allowed to run for re-election in Senegal?
8.  What message is the UK sending to Argentina by sending Prince William on a tour of duty of the Falkland Islands?
9.  Have liberals been outmanuevered in the aftermath of the Egyptian revolution?
10.  Will Russia back the UN draft resolution against Syria?

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