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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 15th-21st, 2011

1.  Should the Palestinian Authority be dismantled?
2.  Would adopting a common currency be in the EAC’s best interest?
3.  Will the PRI regain the Mexican presidency next year?
4.  Is ASEAN being too hasty in making Myanmar the chair of regional meetings in 2014?
5.  What steps does Germany need to take to combat right-wing extremism?
6.  Will Assange be extradited to Sweden?
7.  Should Australia ditch it’s ban on uranium sales to India?
8.  Will major powers find a common voice on Iran at the IAEA?
9.  Can Mario Monti fix the Italian budget crisis?
10.  Will regional pressure force Assad to step down?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 15th-21st, 2011

1.  How will the Supreme Court rule this summer concerning President Obama’s healthcare reform law?
2.  Should the NCAA give Penn State’s football program the death penalty?
3.  How can the “Occupy” movement overcome bad PR reports?
4.  Will the GOP presidential primary be settled by January?
5.  What should America do with its nuclear waste?
6.  Does corporate welfare have a place in American society?
7.  Should the U.S. place more restrictions on foreign students that are enrolling in the nation’s universities?
8.  What decision will the deficit “super committee” render in ten days?
9.  Why did the “personhood amendment” fail in Mississippi?
10.  If Rick Perry were to drop out of 2012 Republican primary, who would his supporters flock to?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 8th-14th, 2011

1.  Did Bank Transfer Day create hardship for major financial institutions?
2.  Should Election Day be a national holiday?
3.  Will the “Fast and Furious” investigation be the end of Eric Holder?
4.  How should Penn State handle its sexual abuse scandal?
5.  Should citizens traveling public highways have an expectation of privacy?
6.  Has President Obama’s Iran policy failed?
7.  Should U.S. presidents be allowed to serve three terms?
8.  What is behind Newt Gingrich’s rise in GOP presidential polls?
9.  How can Herman Cain get his presidential bid back on track?
10.  Did the 2011 elections go well for Democrats?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 8th-14th, 2011

1.  Is South Sudan turning its back on democracy?
2.  Why does the EU worry about national referendums?
3.  Can India tame Afghanistan?
4.  What steps can Guatemala take to effectively clamp down on crime?
5.  Can France save its triple A credit rating?
6.  Should Berlusconi resign?
7.  Will global climate talks in South Africa amount to anything significant?
8.  What should the international community do about daniel Ortega?
9.  Will Liberia have a new civil war within the next two years?
10.  Why have sanctions failed to stop Iran’s drive for a nuclear weapon?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 1st-7th, 2011

1.  Is the Greek government on the verge of collapse?
2.  What is Kenya’s exit strategy from Somalia?
3.  Is the Niger Delta on the verge of a violent relapse?
4.  Will the slowing of the Brazilian economy create a Workers Party power struggle between Lula and Dilma?
5.  Should NATO go to Syria? 
6.  Is more female empowerment the key to global stability?
7.  Should Ethiopia continue to allow U.S. drone operations from its territory?
8.  Is it unrealistic to expect Pakistan to aggressively confront terrorism?
9.  Will Netanyahu’s call for speeding up settlement construction result in more international isolation?
10.  How would a Greek debt default impact the international financial system?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 1st-7th, 2011

1.  Will the Tea Party be the kingmaker in the GOP presidential primary?
2.  What reforms do U.S. colleges need to make?
3.  Do the bankruptcies by green tech companies backed by the U.S. federal government show that the government does a poor job picking economic winners?
4.  Should plea bargaining be banned?
5.  Is President Obama using too many executive orders?
6.  Did Christie endorse a presidential candidate too soon?
7.  Should those who are obese be forced to pay higher healthcare premiums?
8.  Will the United States decision to cut funding for UNESCO cause the UN to rethink the Palestinian membership issue?
9.  Are the “Occupy” protests becoming too radical?
10.  Will recent allegations of sexual misconduct wreck Herman Cain’s presidential bid?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 25th-31st, 2011

1.  Is Obama putting too much pressure on Bashar al-Assad?
2.  Why is Netflix seeing a significant decline in its stock value?
3.  Ten years after its debt:  What is the legacy of the iPod?
4.  Why are “ultrasound” abortion laws unconstitutional?
5.  Can President Obama’s student-debt plan give a much needed jolt to the economy? 
6.  Are the “occupy” protests running out of steam?
7.  Have recent events in Libya made the 2012 presidential election a referendum on the economy?
8.  Is it impossible to make consumers pay for news online?
9.  To what extent should the U.S. intervene in the EU debt crisis?
10.  Is Perry’s tax plan better than Cain’s?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 25th-31st, 2011

1.  How can the world ensure enough food to feed the world’s hungry?
2.  What does Japan need to do to forge a closer bond with South Korea?
3.  Is there enough time in the EU’s “political clock” to solve its financial crisis?
4.  Would the world be a better place without WikiLeaks?
5.  Why is the Swiss right in retreat?
6.  What should Bashar al-Assad do to ensure that he does not become the next Gaddafi?
7.  Has the Arab Spring disappointed liberal reformers?
8.  What will Kirchner’s priorities be in her second term?
9.  Will the euro zone crisis provide a boon for the American or Chinese economy?
10.  Should the international community worry about the new Libyan government?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 18th-24th, 2011

1.  Has the international community failed to establish a strong democratic culture in Afghanistan?
2.  Is Mexico’s drug war a regional more than a Mexican national security issue?
3.  Should the French Socialist Party have gone younger for the 2012 presidential election?
4.  Will Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf win the Liberian runoff election?
5.  Is Kosovo on the verge of a new round of ethnic violence?
6.  Will the “Chinese century” be a short one?
7.  Is Tymoshenko’s jailing the final nail in the coffin for the Orange Revolution?
8.  Will Kenya’s decision to send troops to Somalia backfire?
9.  How should Saudi Arabia respond to the reported assassination plot hatched by Iran?
10.  Did Israel give up too much for Shalit?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 18th-24th, 2011

1.  Is it important that the Occupy Wall Street movement unifies around a single message?
2.  How will recent reports that Hugo Chavez’s cancer is terminal impact U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America?
3.  Is the U.S. doing enough to help Libya move forward?
4.  Should the CLASS Act be repealed? 
5.  Are high stakes tests for college admissions creatin a cheating problem?
6.  Should lying about military medals that you did not earn be a crime? 
7.  What can the Democratic Party do to bolster enthusiasm prior to the 2012 elections?
8.  Is it Romney or bust for the GOP in 2012?
9.  Does the U.S. have a significant national security interest in Central Africa? 
10.  Is President Obama making a bad political decision by supporting the Occupy Wall Street protests?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 11th-17th, 2011

1.  What impact will Christie’s endorsement of Romney have on the GOP presidential race?
2.  Will the Occupy Wall Street movement an effective liberal counter to the Tea Party?
3.  Are U.S. comments on the euro zone crisis hypocritical?
4.  Will Elizabeth Warren make Scott Brown a one term senator next November?
5.  Who’s to blame for the gridlock in Washington?
6.  How will the U.S. retaliate against Iran for an alleged assassination plot of the Saudi ambassador?
7.  Has American bioterror security improved since the anthrax attacks ten years ago?
8.  Does America need 9-9-9?
9.  Will the “Fast and Furious” scandal force Eric Holder to resign?
10.  Why are Republicans failing to gain traction in the Kentucky gubernatorial race?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 11th-17th, 2011

1.  Is the Chinese government doing enough to restore investor confidence in financial stocks?
2.  Will Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner easily win re-election in two weeks?
3.  Is another global oil crunch on the horizon?
4.  Will China’s growing economic clout eventually make the “one China” policy a reality?
5.  What economic reforms does Poland need?
6.  Is it safe to say that democracy has failed in Russia?
7.  Will new measures proposed by France and Germany resolve the euro debt crisis?
8.  How can the Egyptian military reduce the country’s latest outbreak of sectarian violence?
9.  Is democracy that best way to curb extremism in the Middle East?
10.  How can Euroskeptics seize on the problems of the euro zone and win back powers that were once granted to the EU?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 4th-10th, 2011

1.  Is the international community giving Meles Zenawi a pass on human rights violations?
2.  Why have recent Bulgarian protests against the Roma broken out?
3.  How can Brazil clean up its football federation?
4.  Is the failure of the Dalai Lama to secure a visa from South Africa politically motivated?
5.  Should Bashar al-Assad’s threats of retaliation if he is attacked by NATO be taken seriously?
6.  What steps does David Cameron need to take to rescue the British economy?
7.  Is the creation of a Eurasian Union a Russian foreign policy victory?
8.  Should the Saudi government worry about recent outbreaks of sectarian violence?
9.  Are al-Qaeda elements in Somalia still a potent force?
10.  Why did Russia and China veto the recent UN resolution on Syria?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 4th-10th, 2011

1.  Why are banks moving towards monthly debit card fees?
2.  Was the U.S. killing of Anwar al-Awlaki unconstitutional?
3.  How should the RNC deal with Florida?
4.  Should states embrace or limit early voting?
5.  Do those who receive benefits under Medicaid have the right to go to court when a state tries to cut spending on the program?
6.  Is Michelle Bachmann’s presidential campaign on its last legs?
7.  How will the Occupying Wall Street movement impact American economic policy?
8.  Should Congress unfreeze aid to the Palestinian Authority?
9.  Will the Solyndra controversy resonate with voters in the 2012 presidential election?
10.  Should President Obama declare a national jobs emergency?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 27th-October 3rd, 2011

1.  Herman Cain post-Florida GOP straw poll:  Contender or pretender?
2.  Should terms for the House of Representatives be lengthened?
3.  Is it time to scrap NCLB? 
4.  Are consistent spending bill crises on Capital Hill giving the Republican Party a bad name? 
5.  Is Rick Perry’s presidential campaign in trouble?
6.  Should the U.S. government release more photos from the assassination of Osama bin Laden?
7.  What is to blame for the sharp increases in health insurance premiums?
8.  Is President Obama’s jobs bill really a jobs bill?
9.  Will Chris Christie join the 2012 Republican presidential race?
10.  Is President Obama’s trouble with African-American voters overblown?

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