Tag: extemp central Page 64 of 77

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 1st-7th, 2011

1.  Why is Japan going through so many prime ministers?
2.  Is Britain headed for an Irish-style economic implosion?
3.  How can African states overcome the “resource curse”?
4.  Is the status of women in Afghanistan better now than it was ten years ago?
5.  Why does India need to crackdown on corruption?
6.  Is Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons inevitable?
7.  What does the Khodorkovsky sentence say about Russia’s judicial system?
8.  Will recent protests in the Middle East strengthen or weaken the position of Israel’s right wing parties?
9.  Would a Southern Sudanese-style peace plan work for Darfur?
10.  Will the Egyptian military allow the Muslim Brotherhood to gain political power?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 22nd-28th, 2011

1.  Would Angela Merkel be in a better political position if she had not supported EU bailouts?
2.  If the international community gives food aid to North Korea, what strings should be attached to it?
3.  After the disputed election result in Uganda, what should African states be doing to ensure a free and fair election process?
4.  Does the killing of four Americans by Somali pirates demonstrate a significant escalation of tactics?
5.  Why has security in Afghanistan deteriorated?
6.  Will Gaddafi hold on? 
7.  Can ASEAN bring a halt to the Cambodia-Thai border clashes?
8.  Is the IMF making the Greek governments attempts to sell austerity measures harder?
9.  How will North African and Middle East protests impact the global economy?
10.  Should the international community sanction Libya?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 22nd-28th, 2011

1. If Florida refuses to change its primary election date, how should the GOP respond?
2. Is Tim Kaine the only shot the Democrats have of retaining Jim Webb’s Senate seat?
3. Will the newly established National Institute for Civil Discourse have a significant impact on America’s political discourse?
4. How should the U.S. handle Libya?
5. Should students be allowed to carry concealed handguns on college campuses?
6. Who is the likely to replace Joe Lieberman in the Senate?
7. Will there be a government shutdown?
8. Should the U.S. military seek global partnerships in space?
9. How can unions boost their public image?
10. Will public employee protests lead to Scott Walker being recalled?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 15th-21st, 2011

1.  Are Rand Paul’s budget cuts unrealistic?
2.  Would a Gabrielle Giffords Senate run backfire on Democrats?
3.  What should be the top priority for the next mayor of Chicago?
4.  Who was CPAC’s biggest winner?
5.  Are extensions of the Patriot Act unwarranted?
6.  Will the Supreme Court free states from compliance with Section Five of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
7.  Is Iraq becoming a forgotten war?
8.  Do the Pentagon’s budget cuts go far enough?
9.  What does Donald Trump need to do if he wants to endear himself to GOP primary voters?
10.  Will President Obama win his budget battle with House Republicans?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 15th-21st, 2011

1.  Should Mubarak’s downfall be welcomed or feared by Iran?
2.  How can Africa save its cheetahs?
3.  Why is Russia going to the trouble of sparing with Japan over the Kuril Islands?
4.  Will the arrest of Lo Hsien-che wreck Taiwan’s military relationship with the United States?
5.  Is Mexico’s drug war an insurgency?
6.  Despite recent scandals, why is Silvio Berlusconi’s political position in Italy so strong?
7.  Should Hamas participate in September’s Palestinian elections?
8.  Would the adoption of more effective social and economic safety nets hinder Asian economies?
9.  Should Tunisia allow Italian police into their country to stop illegal immigration?
10.  How democratic will be the next Egyptian election be?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 8th-14th, 2011

1.  Why does Hamid Karzai want NATO reconstruction teams out of Afghanistan?
2.  Do Britain’s banks need to increase capital controls beyond international standards?
3.  Will the latest inter-Korean talks go anywhere?
4.  What does the dispute over the 17th Karmapa say about the current state of relations between India and China?
5.  How can fraud be prevented in the Haitian runoff election?
6.  Should Spain legailiez the ETA’s new political party?
7.  Will the Ivory Coast be the next African nation to experience civil war?
8.  Should the UN send a peacekeeping force to secure the Cambodia-Thai border?
9.  What steps would bring more stability to the global food supply chain?
10.  Will Britain extradite Julian Assange to Sweden?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 8th-14th, 2011

1.  Does the U.S. need a high speed rail system?
2.  Did AOL err in buying the Huffinton Post?
3.  Is the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act needed?
4.  How much of a blow is the decline of the DLC to the Democratic Party?
5.  Would Ronald Reagan support the Tea Party?
6.  Does the recent unemployment data suggest that the economy is gaining steam or that more workers are becoming discouraged?
7.  Do laws that label teenagers involved in sexting as sex offenders go too far?
8.  How detrimental would a Muslim Brotherhood-led government in Egypt be to America’s foreign policy objectives in the Middle East?
9.  Did President Obama come out ahead in his interview with Bill O’Reilly?
10.  Will severe winter weather create more skepticism towards climate change?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 1st-7th, 2011

1.  Is the Obama administration making a mistake in distancing itself from Hosni Mubarak?
2.  Should America’s economic policy be focused more on start ups instead of large corporations?
3.  Is Jon Huntsman the new Mike Pence in the GOP primary field?
4.  Will Republicans succeed in their push to reduce foreign aid?
5.  Would a push for stricter gun control laws help the Democratic Party?
6.  Will Roger Vinson’s ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act survive judicial scrutiny?
7.  What can the U.S. do to recruit more minority teachers? 
8.  Can Scott Brown win re-election next year without Tea Party support?
9.  Should the president be given emergency powers to shut down the Internet?
10.  Is a new aviation bill an effective jobs measure?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 1st-7th, 2011

1.  Is Germany the strong man of Europe?
2.  Despite its problems, will Burma’s move towards a parliamentary system better the country’s economic situation?
3.  Are fears of a global cocoa shortage overrated?
4.  Could unrest in the Middle East lead to the collapse of OPEC?
5.  Will drug violence be the biggest issue in the next Mexican presidential election?
6.  Has India been too heavy handed in its approach towards domestic terrorism?
7.  Should Nigeria go to an open ballot system for electing political officials?
8.  Will the murder of David Kato spark significant changes in the way Uganda deals with its gay community?
9.  Are fuel subsidies holding Bolivia back?
10.  Is ElBaradei strong enough to lead Egypt?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 25th-31st, 2011

1.  How should Russia respond after the suicide attack at the Domodedovo airport?
2.  Will African nations use force to topple Laurent Gbagbo?
3.  Are Mexico’s judicial reforms going far enough?
4.  Does the resignation of Andy Coulson create more problems for the Conservative Party when it comes to Britain’s phone hacking scandal?
5.  Are South Korean anxieties about America’s foreign policy toward North Korea justified?
6.  Would the overthrow of the Egyptian government imperil Israel’s security?
7.  Has foreign aid been counterproductive to Haiti?
8.  Will the transformation of India’s strategic doctrine spread the country’s military too thin?
9.  How would the development of Internet intfrastructure impact Africa’s economy?
10.  After Tunisia, who’s next?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 25th-31st, 2011

1.  Are the opt outs that have been given for the new healthcare law undermining confidence in the legislation?
2.  Will George Allen beat Jim Webb in a 2012 rematch?
3.  Why do Americans give President Obama such low marks on the economy?
4.  Should Massachusetts ditch its bar advocate system?
5.  How can states cut back on state employee pension plans? 
6.  Is America’s foreign policy too soft towards China?
7.  What is the worst governed state in America?
8.  Should the U.S. cease funding the UN Human Rights Council? 
9.  Are EPA regulations harming American businesses?
10.  How significant is Mitt Romney’s victory in the New Hampshire straw poll?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 18th-24th, 2011

1.  Is Great Britain still America’s best ally?
2.  If oil prices continue to rise, will it send the U.S. economy into a double dip recession?
3.  Does Apple need Steve Jobs?
4.  Should the GOP vote against raising the debt ceiling?
5.  Has the GOP lost Colorado?
6.  Have race relations gotten better or worse during the Obama presidency?
7.  Would means testing Social Security hurt its long-term viability?
8.  Did the GOP make the right decision in ousting Michael Steele? 
9.  Will Sarah Palin’s response to the Arizona shooting destroy her presidential ambitions?
10.  Should Congress renew the assault weapons ban?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 18th-24th, 2011

1.  What steps does the Russian government need to take to decrease the spread of HIV?
2.  Will this be Mahmoud Abbas’s last year as Palestinian president?
3.  Without Jean Marie Le Pen at the helm, will the National Front become irrelevant?
4.  Have sanctions against Burma failed?
5.  Should Haiti bring Jean-Claude Duvalier to justice?
6.  Would a world without nuclear weapons be less secure?
7.  Is it in the international community’s best interest for Hezbollah to not be charged in the murder of Rafik Hariri?
8.  Does Ehud Barak’s decision to leave the Labor Party strengthen Benjamin Netanyahu’s government?
9.  Will the unrest in Tunisia spread to other North African nations?
10.  Would privatization make the British healthcare system better?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 11th-17th, 2011

1.  Is Cuba’s economic model in disarray?
2.  Should Chinese economic policymakers fear a rise in worker wages?
3.  Is the world headed for a food crisis in 2011?
4.  What is behind the recent protests in Algeria?
5.  Why has the ETA called for a permanent ceasefire with the Spanish government?
6.  How should the EU sanction Belarus over the jailing of opposition leaders?
7.  Should Sudan recognize the results of the South’s independence referendum if it means that they are removed from the U.S. State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism?
8.  Are concerns about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons misguided?
9.  Should South Korea upgrade its defense deal with Israel?
10.  Is China’s new stealth fighter a significant threat to the United States?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 11th-17th, 2011

1.  How should President Obama respond to the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords?
2.  Is America too harsh on felons?
3.  How can the safety of members of Congress be improved?
4.  Will the recent decline in unemployment continue?
5.  Should the Fairness Doctrine be reinstated?
6.  Would making significant cuts to defense spending significantly hurt Republicans in 2012?
7.  Have the Federal Reserve’s steps to reduce borrowing costs exposed it too much to credit markets?
8.  Will the Chicago mayoral election have a runoff?
9.  Is Jerry Brown’s budget plan an effective way to get California back to fiscal solvency?
10.  Does the Supreme Court’s refusal to take the case of Alderman v. U.S. show that it will find President Obama’s healthcare reform bill constitutional?

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