Tag: practice extemp topics Page 66 of 76

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 14th-20th, 2010

1.  Are video games actually good for children?
2.  Has the first-time home buyers tax credit been a failure?
3.  What does the rise of Brazil mean for America’s influence in Latin America?
4.  Is America safer now than it was before 9/11?
5.  If Rahm Emanuel leaves the White House, should Valerie Jarrett become Obama’s new Chief of Staff?
6.  Has Michelle Rhee been good for the D.C. school system?
7.  Should the GOP compromise on the Bush tax cuts?
8.  Is it time to privatize Social Security?
9.  Will Michelle Obama’s war on obesity end up failing?
10.  Are tea party candidates hurting the Republican Party’s chances of taking control of the Senate this fall?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 14th-20th, 2010

1.  Does Nepal need to reform its military?
2.  Should the search for alternative fuels be a global effort?
3.  How will Europe’s changing demographic picture impact politics across the continent?
4.  Should Santos accept the FARC’s offer of peace talks?
5.  Will North Korea’s military allow Kim Jong-Un to take power from his father?
6.  Should Britain make cuts to its defense budget?
7.  Is the window for a Palestinian state closing?
8.  Are global economists exaggerating China’s manipulation of the yuan?
9.  How can the EU make growth across Europe more even?
10.  Is EU membership still a priority for the Turkish government?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 7th-13th, 2010

1.  Should Tony Blair apologize for taking Britain into Iraq?
2.  Is the euro area too large?
3.  How will Brazil’s move to expand government control of offshore resources impact foreign investment in its energy sector?
4.  Should the international community be concerned about alleged Chinese involvement in Nepal’s upcoming elections?
5.  Is the Spanish government wise to give the ETA the cold shoulder after its recent ceasefire announcement?
6.  Will the German governments push to extend the lives of its nuclear power plants serve as a model for other EU nations?
7.  Should Palestinians be forced to recognize Israel as a Jewish state as part of any peace deal?
8.  Will Australia’s minority government survive a full term?
9.  Would a new Putin presidency be good or bad for Russia’s future?
10.  Should Iran be able to choose the inspectors who monitor its nuclear facilities?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 7th-13th, 2010

1.  Will healthcare reform make states budget situations worse?
2.  Is government action against Craigslist appropriate?
3.  Will U.S. taxpayers lose money on GM’s IPO?
4.  Why are efforts to have a public safety radio system not getting off the ground?
5.  Should teachers run schools? 
6.  Will Alaska send Joe Miller to the Senate?
7.  If President Obama gets his $50 billion in new stimulus spending, will it significantly improve the country’s economic situation?
8.  Should the federal government forgive underwater mortgages held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
9.  Is the burning of Qurans by a Florida church problematic for America’s mission in Afghanistan?
10.  How can Democrats save the House?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 31st-September 6th, 2010

1.  Who should replace Robert Gates as defense secretary?
2.  Is California’s plastic bag ban bad for working families?
3.  What should NASA’s mission be?
4.  Will President Obama’s decision to loosen export controls on sensitive military equipment hurt national security?
5.  How can Chicago curb rising gang violence?
6.  Should parents be paid in poverty stricken areas to send their children to school?
7.  Is the U.S. leaving Iraq in better shape than it was in prior to 2003?
8.  Was Glenn Beck’s rally a success?
9.  Should President Obama worry about Americans misconceptions about his faith?
10.  Will the U.S. economy experience a double dip recession?


HotTopics: International Extemp Questons for the Week of August 31st-September 6th, 2010

1.  How will the UN’s report on Congolese violence impact Rwanda’s international image?
2.  Will José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero run in 2012?
3.  Would Ichiro Izawa becoming prime minister doom the DPJ in the eyes of Japanese voters?
4.  How can India become slum free?
5.  Is Venezuela or the FARC a bigger security threat to Colombia?
6.  Do China’s curbs on metal exports violate WTO rules?
7.  How can the Philippines repair the image of its police forces?
8.  Do European nations need stricter immigration policies?
9.  Would a failure at the upcoming Middle East peace talks cause a third intifada?
10.  Will public sector strikes doom Jacob Zuma’s re-election hopes?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 24th-30th, 2010

1.  How can the international community best combat the sale of conflict minerals from the Congo?
2.  Should China scrap its one child policy?
3.  Is Myanmar’s privatization program a sign that the country is turning the corner?
4.  Will French workers stymie Sarkozy’s pensions reform plans?
5.  Should Wyclef Jean be able to run for the presidency of Haiti?
6.  Who is the biggest winner of the “comprehensive strategic partnership” between South Africa and China?
7.  Will the September Middle East peace summit be a success?
8.  Should Germany raise taxes to balance its budget?
9.  Who will lead the next Australian government?
10.  How can the developed world help developing nations with mine safety?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 24th-30th, 2010

1.  How can more of the money placed in America’s education system make its way into classrooms?
2.  Should the federal government investigate college textbook prices?
3.  Does the Ground Zero mosque issue give Rick Lazio a fighting chance in the New York governor’s race?
4.  Should those who get relief from the Gulf oil spill escrow fund be forced to wait their right to sue the companies involved in the disaster?
5.  Are homes no longer a good way to build wealth?
6.  Should Alvin Greene drop out?
7.  Will the Ground Zero mosque dispute hurt America’s relations with the Muslim world?
8.  Who will win Florida’s three way Senate race this November?
9.  Would a balanced budget amendment harm the U.S. economy?
10.  How much credit does President Obama deserve for the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 17th-23rd, 2010

1.  Is Deval Patrick Obama’s canary in the coal mine?
2.  What can save Social Security?
3.  Should the stimulus have been larger?
4.  What role should student performance on standardized tests have in evaluating teacher performance?
5.  Will the Supreme Court rule that gay marriage is constitutional prior to 2012?
6.  Why is America’s trust in the media declining?
7.  Will Harry Reid keep his Senate seat?
8.  Who is the biggest loser in the Blagojevich verdict?
9.  Why did the U.S. economy not experience a summer recovery?
10.  Will President Obama’s comments about the mosque at Ground Zero harm Democrats chances in November?
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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 17th-23rd, 2010

1.  Will the ANC’s media bill significantly damage the free press in South Africa?
2.  Is Nigeria’s 2011 presidential race destabalize the country?
3.  Should Pakstian’s government accept flood aid directly from India?
4.  How will improved Russian ties with NATO impact NATO’s eastward expansion plans?
5.  Should France repay Haiti’s independence debt?
6.  How will improved relations with Taiwan impact China’s military deployments?
7.  Does Iran’s fuel crisis show that international sanctions are working?
8.  Should Australa become a republic?
9.  How will North Korea respond to the latest U.S.-South Korean war games exercise?
10.  What would happen in Afghanistan if the U.S. immediately withdrew all of its combat forces?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 10th-16th, 2010

1.  Will Alvaro Uribe’s departure smoothe relations between Colombia and Venezuela?
2.  Who should be the British Labor Party’s next leader?
3.  Will South Africa’s government workers win their recent labor dispute?
4.  Does a recent landslide show that China needs to adopt more aggressive environmental protection policies?
5.  Would compensation to South Korea for World War II abuses imperil the DPJ?
6.  Is Lebanon or Iran a bigger short term threat to Israeli security?
7.  How can the Greek government create a stronger consensus for austerity measures?
8.  Should Mexico consider legalizing drugs?
9.  Why was Paul Kagame’s victory in the Rwandan presidential election so lopsided? 
10.  How will recent wildfires impact Vladimir Putin’s political standing?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 10th-16th, 2010

1.  Is education the biggest economic challenge facing the United States?
2.  Should online gambling be legalized?
3.  Why is President Obama’s support among white voters falling?
4.  Would drug legalization by the United States be the best form of assistance to Mexico in its drug war?
5.  Is the cost of Michelle Obama’s recent vacation news worthy?
6.  How can the federal government eliminate waste in Medicare and Medicaid?
7.  Why are electricity blackouts in the U.S. skyrocketing?
8.  Is the Gulf oil spill still a potent political issue?
9.  Should the House pass the state jobs bill?
10.  Is President Obama an asset or a liability for Democrats this November?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 3rd-9th, 2010

1.  Should the Bush tax cuts be made permanent for all income brackets?
2.  How can the U.S. become less dependent on foreign oil?
3.  Are concerns about Elena Kagan’s views on the second amendment overblown?
4.  Will Rangel and Waters ethics problems harm Democrats chances in November?
5.  Is the You Cut project all bark and no bite?
6.  Does the Fair Sentencing Act effectively solve the racial discrepancy in sentencing for cocaine possession?
7.  Will Rupert Murdoch’s online business model succeed?
8.  How can state legislatures make Congressional districts more competitive?
9.  Why is President Obama losing the support of independent voters?
10.  Can Rand Paul win his Senate race?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 3rd-9th, 2010

1.  Will Dmitry Medvedev run against Vladimir Putin in 2012?
2.  How can India quell violence in Kashmir?
3.  Will Cuba’s decision to allow for more private employment rejuvenate its economy?
4.  Would a sales tax increase hurt the Japanese economy?
5.  Why are oil prices at a three month high?
6.  Will new sanctions against North Korea force it to change its belligerent behavior?
7.  Would a reduction of trade barriers help the African economy?
8.  Are privately funded armed forces a better method to fight Somali piracy?
9.  Will recent floods weaken the Pakistani government?
10.  Is it in Israel’s best interest to cooperate with the UN’s Gaza flotilla probe?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 8th-14th, 2010

1.  What is the most important Senate race for the Republican Party in 2010?
2.  Are fears about America’s fiscal situation overstated?
3.  Considering its economic situation, should the United States greatly reduce its foreign aid budget?
4.  What grade would President Bush give to Barack Obama’s national security strategy?
5.  How much Republican support will Elena Kagan receive?
6.  What is the most important financial reform that America’s economy needs?
7.  Do teacher’s unions a help or hinder American education?
8.  How will the Gulf oil spill affect future offshore drilling practices in the United States?
9.  Will the commerce clause defeat challenges to the health care reform bill?
10.  What cuts should be made to America’s defense budget?
11.  Will Rahm Emanuel be forced to resign over reported job offers to Congressional candidates?
12.  Can Jerry Brown fix California?
13.  Would means testing save Social Security?

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